Krekeler family tree
Matthew P. Wyneken

Home Card

These pages show the ancestors and other relatives of Carl Krekeler and Louise Wagner. There is no information, aside from possibly names, provided for persons born after 1900. This is to ensure the privacy of the living.

Please feel free to write me if you are interested in more information concerning the people or families listed here. I am always interested in hearing from anyone who can provide me with additional information and I will gladly share what information I have with others.These pages show the ancestors and other relatives of Carl Krekeler and Louise Wagner. There is no information, aside from possibly names, provided for persons born after 1900. This is to ensure the privacy of the living.

Please feel free to write me if you are interested in more information concerning the people or families listed here. I am always interested in hearing from anyone who can provide me with additional information and I will gladly share what information I have with others.

More Web sites concerning Krekelers can be found at:

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Brombergstr. 30
79102 Freiburg / Germany
+49 (0)761/7071626

Created 3 Apr 2001 by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.