Ancestors of M.L. Wyneken II and Eslinda Klein
Ancestors of M.L. Wyneken II and Eslinda Klein
Matthew P. Wyneken
This database shows all my ancestors (and their siblings) starting with my great grandparents, Martin Luther Wyneken II and Eslinda Ida Klein.

NOTE: The name "DUMMY" appears at the end of some of the lines. Please ignore them. These are not real people but are place holders in my database to keep track of unidentified persons with last names I'm researching. It was easier to keep these names listed in the Web site than to try to delete them.

Für unsere deutschen Besucher einige sprachliche Hinweise:

- Surnames - Nachnamen
- Contact - Kontaktinfo
- Home Card - Startperson
- Index - Namensverzeichnis

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79100 Freiburg / Germany