Christian Friedrich Biltz & Johanne Sophie* Ebert - Media
Christian Friedrich Biltz & Johanne Sophie* Ebert - Media
Biltz house built 1784-1785
Biltz house in Mittelfrohna

Obtained from: Photocopy from Ed and Laura Wyneken - Ref. 209
When: Nov 1996
Biltz house in Mittelfrohna from Horst Strohbach
Biltz house in Mittelfrohna

Obtained from: Ref. 1267: Horst Strohbach, Eyne Chronik der Doerffer tzut mitteln Frohna und tzum Fichtigsthal - Anno 1938, self-published, 1938, available: <>;.
When: Mar 2020
Flurkarte Mittelfrohna ca 1845 - Flurstück 34 -Biltz house
Excerpt from Blatt 1 der historical land property map (Flurkarte) of Mittelfrohna from around 1845
The Biltz house is located in parcel 34.
The postal address in April 2020 is:
Obere Hauptstraße 36
09243 Niederfrohna

Obtained from: Landratsamt Zwickau (Ref. 1269)
When: 6 Apr 2020
Biltz house owners
Graph showing the names of the Biltz family members who had something to do with the house in Mittelfrohna.
Biltz house owners
Graph showing the names of the Biltz family members who had something to do with the house in Mittelfrohna.

© 2020 by Matthew P. Wyneken